Friday, June 14, 2013

What in the world do I need a life coach for?

Today's free coaching resource is a free kindle book. "What In The World Do I Need A Life Coach For?" is a quick reading kindle book by Christopher A Pinckley.

Don't discount the short length of this book. It is full of practical, basic information on life coaching. If you are new to life coaching you will get several ideas from this concise book. If you are a veteran life coach, you may get a new perspective from this brief tome.

Reading through it, I saw several ways that life coaches can serve their community or tribe. There are no earth shattering secrets revealed here. Just a tell it like it is, short and to the point book on how life coaches can help people today.

Being a weekend, I thought it best for a short read, rather than a lengthy syllabus. Please have a safe and happy weekend. And, Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there.

Click here to get today's free coaching resource.

As always, if you would like to contact me:

Respectfully yours,

Steve Davis