Saturday, June 8, 2013

Free Coaching Resources

All coaches need to be updating our skillsets and toolboxes as we continue on in our coaching journey. If you are just starting out, or have experienced some setbacks, you may not have the money to invest in books and courses. Especially, if you are just getting your feet wet in a new area. Hence the creation of Free Coaching Resources.

What if you could get free self help e-books, videos, and tools delivered to your email inbox daily? I found just such a service about 2 months ago. True to his word, Steven Aitchison delivers on his promise. Each day I receive his email with the free self help e-book. Being a self-help/ personal growth enthusiast over the last 5 years, I knew some of the material he was giving. However, there were also several new discoveries in these last 2 months. Even better, was re-discovering self help tools that I had not thought about in years. I always enjoy reflecting back on how far my own journey has taken me.

If you have never heard of Steve Aitchison, he is the author of 4 books and the author of the blog Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life. He has travelled a self help journey over the last 20 years that has seen many positive changes and results. Steven is also the #1 personal development blogger in the UK. He is a family man, married to his beautiful wife, and has two great sons.

Simply click here to get free self help books from Steven Aitchison

We only recommend free resources that we have personally tried and can vouch for their veracity.

For more free coaching resources:

To contact me

Respectfully yours,

Steve Davis