Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Free graphic creator and photo editor

Do you know how to create graphics? This is something that has always confused me. My oldest child can whip out graphics faster than I can describe them. What is the secret? One time..., and I say one time was all it took, I tried GiMP. I believe GiMP is now called GNU. Please be patient if I mispelled either if those. It was the most confusing program I had ever tried. I could not get anything to work right.

Well, after some research, I found it hiding in plain view. Pic Monkey is a free site that allows you to edit photos and create graphics. It allows you to do many different things without signing in or buying anything.

If you need to create a new header or web graphic, Pic Monkey has the capability to create simple web graphics. You can resize, change colors, and add text. It's really simple too. I can create and design headers in less than 20 minutes. This beats hiring a graphic designer and waiting for hours or days to get the project back. And then, discovering that it needs more work, or is not what you are looking for.

I'm sure there are other sites out there, and even software available. But if you are like me, you don't have the time to learn an entire new program. I prefer Pic Monkey over Microsoft Photo Editor. As far as ease of use and a graphic that meets my approval, Pic Monkey is the way to go.  is where you can find this gem of a site.

Here are some tutorial videos that explain how it works:

There are many more YouTube videos that show how to use Pic Monkey. I selected 2 that had narration and were easy to follow.

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Wishing you More Clients, More Money, and More Time!

Respectfully yours,

Steve Davis