Saturday, June 8, 2013

Free Coaching Resources - ebook Work the System

Are you overwhelmed in your coaching practice? Too many tasks, and not enough hours in the day? Have you read the E-Myth Revisited, but don't know where to start? Sam Carpenter was once in that situation. He developed a smart way to systematize any business.

Sam Carpenter is the author of Work the System. We interviewed Sam during in 2012. Sam has provided a way that will help you systematize any business, even a coaching practice. He does this by breaking each specific process, not just giving a bunch of big, general ideas.
Sam has made his book Work the System available for free in pdf format. Simply click here to get your copy.

After having talked with Sam, and also having read his book, I can say he is the real deal. He has a very simple, yet effective set of methods to systematize any business. Yes, even a multi-faceted coaching practice.

We only recommend products and services that we have personally checked out.

For even more free coaching resources, go to

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Respectfully yours,

Steve Davis