Thursday, June 27, 2013

Red Hot Internet Publicity

Today's free coaching resource comes to us by way of Amazon Kindle. Red Hot Internet Publicity is an information packed book that teaches new coaches and experienced pros, the ins and outs of getting more website traffic.

Perusing through this book, I must say it is very comprehensive in its scope. Starting out with SEO and your website, and then social media, blogging, and driving traffic, it delivers ideas on how to make your web presence "red hot."

There are the basics as well as advanced tips for everyone to have a website that gets more traffic, more prospects, and converts more sales.

Click here to get this free Kindle ebook

If your website needs a makeover, or it is not making you money, this is a book you need. In coaching, the purpose of your website is to make you money. Your coaching website should not be a hobby, but a cash machine. It should be built to accomplish this. Before you start building your site, you should keep this in mind.

I know some of you may be saying, "This is not what I signed up for when I decided to become a life coach." But, sales and marketing is the life blood of any business. Your coaching practice is your business, and it should reflect it, as well.

If you are doing this solo, without a web designer, I suggest taking it a little at a time. Don't try to accomplish it all at once. You will be overwhelmed. If you do have a web designer, this will give you something to point out the direction you want your site to go. Remember, your site does not have to be the best on the web, but it must be better than your competitor's.

I especially like how the author broke down each facet of social media. Again, from my own experience, and my client's experience, start with one social media network. And, as you gain experience and proficiency, you can add another. The main purpose of your social media presence is to drive traffic to your site.

There is so much more to this book, as well. How to do effective blogging. Using video to drive more traffic to your site. And, some very good information on building mobile friendly websites.

There are added resources at the end of this book that can help you find the right web hosting company and design a vibrant, thriving website that builds your coaching practice to the level you desire.

Please get this free coaching resource, and let me know what you think. Email me at

And for my new readers, you can get over $1700 in free coaching resources to download at . Simply sign in, and download these tools from some of the best coaches in the business. These resources are yours to keep.

The weekend is fast upon us. Let's enjoy, recharge, and plan for an exciting week.

We at 100 Coaching Tips wish all of you: More Clients, More Money, and More Life!

Respectfully yours,

Steve Davis