Saturday, June 22, 2013

7 Days to a Successful Blog

Whether we like it or not, blogging is a must if you are going to build a community of prospects for your coaching practice. Maybe you are just starting out. Maybe you are a seasoned veteran. But, whatever you would categorize yourself as, blogging is as much of a successful web presence as your website. Maybe even more, depending on who you ask.

Maybe you didn't realize the importance of blogging when you decided to become a life coach. Maybe, when getting your training and becoming a life coach, blogging was never mentioned or taught to you. But, whatever reason, there is no excuse for not blogging. I'm not speaking of the blogging so many do, that talks about what they had for breakfast, or who broke up with whom. I'm talking about delivering high quality content to your tribe or community through your blog.

There are so many ways to start blogging. And, there are many more people out there who want to tell you how to blog. The possibilities are practically endless. But, we all must start somewhere. So where do you start?

For today's free coaching resource, I have found a free 7 day video bootcamp that will show you how to be a successful blogger. This free video series will show you what options there are, and how to get started.

I have viewed the videos and they are full of useful information to help you get a step ahead of the competition. Click here to sign up for the free 7 day video bootcamp. Doon't let the word bootcamp scare you off. These videos are concise and to the point. They show you what you need to know without the senseless drivel or self aggrandizement that is common today.

Please take some time to check this out. I think everyone can learn something from these videos.

Also, the weekend is almost over. Where does the time go? Take some time to enjoy life, whether spending it with friends and family, or resting and recharging for the upcoming week.

If you would like to contact me:

And to our new readers, which we get quite a few each day, please go to and sign up, and you can download $1700 worth of free coaching tools.

We here at 100 Coaching Tips wish all of you: More Clients, More Money, and More Life!

Respectfully yours,

Steve Davis