Sunday, June 9, 2013

Are you confused by all of the people who want to help you write a book?

Are you confused by all of the people who want to help you write a book? I know I am. In the last month, I have received over 150 emails from people wanting to help me write a book, or a Kindle e-book. Just going through the emails was overwhelming. I could write a book on people who want to help me write a book! Lol! No wait, that just might work. Just kidding though.

I do have a free resource by way of an audio interview from the 100 Coaching Tip archives with Rick Frishman. Rick Frishman is the founder of Author 101. You can look at his website here. This is a 2 for 1 free coaching resource today, because if you go to Rick's site, he has a free report with lots of valuable information on it for writers.

Rick is probably the best known person in the literary world that you have never heard of. He is a 30 year veteran of the publishing world, and an author himself. Two of his most famous author discoveries are Brendon Burchard and Timothy Ferriss. In the interview he tells of their story and how he helped guide them to publishing their best selling books.

In the interview, Rick also mentions about discount tickets to his event. This event has already transpired, but we will keep you updated for his next event. Rick typically only does one live event a year.

Click here to access the audio interview
Rick Frishman

We hope you enjoy this free interview. And, maybe it gave you some ideas on how to publish your own book.

For more free coaching resources:

And, if you wish to contact me:

Respectfully yours,

Steve Davis