Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Are you getting paid what you are worth?

Hello fellow coaches,

One of the most common questions that I encounter is "How can I get paid what I'm worth for my coaching?" This question, or one very similar is asked on an almost daily basis.

It is a tragedy that the average median income of a coach is $20,000 USD. This is below the poverty level in the United States. Most coaches are struggling just to pay the bills, and have no money left over to really live.

Yet, at the same time, there are some coaches in the life coaching industry that consistently make 6 and 7 figures each year.

Why is there such a disparity in income?

The answer to this question would take up an entire book. There are many facets to the answer to this simple question. But, one of the leading reasons why coaches don't make more money is that they have their own issues with money. Issues that deal with feeling deserving to make more money, or not being able to conquer their own issues with money.

This Saturday, March 29,2014, my friend John Assaraf is having a replay of his Brainathon webinar. In this webinar, you will learn what is sabotaging you from making more money and how to overcome these mental blocks, and earn the money you truly deserve.

This is an excellent free coaching resource for you to take advantage of. That's right, John is doing the replay and you can attend and learn from the best for free.

Click here to reserve your spot                                     

I attended this webinar last year and the information blew my mind! John interviews the top experts in Neuro sciences and gives practical steps on how to make the changes that will shatter the glass ceiling that has been holding you back financially.

I first found out about John Assaraf in 2009. I bought some of his books, and even went through one of his courses. The results were astounding. I managed to double the size of my business in 4 months! I was working less and earning more, and life as they say is good.

Since then, John has made steady progress in his study of how the mind affects the success of each individual. He started Praxis Now, which is the latest blend of brain science for maximum success in life.

Click here to reserve your spot 

Please sign up now to reserve your spot. There will be many that want to listen to this webinar. In November over 25,000 signed up to listen to this treasure trove of information. Based on the content I saw, and the feedback I received from my own clients that attended, I can say this is the one must see webinar for this year.

But, you may be thinking, what is different about this webinar? What can I learn?

One of the nuggets of truth I learned was:

You see, your brain is split into two parts: Your rational logical mind and your implicit emotional brain... and the emotional brain is the larger and far more powerful of the two!

If your emotional desires, beliefs and values don't align with your rational mind's goals ... the two parts of your mind will constantly be fighting each other and undermining your ability to succeed at anything, especially your goals to support you and your family.

If you're struggling to break through to the next level of success ... the #1 thing to do is get your logical and emotional minds working in a state of neural coherence... or harmony.

John interviews 5 of the top neuro scientists in the field and will reveal the information you need to break your current income level and start living the life you desire.

Take the time this Saturday to learn the steps that will launch your success for your coaching business.

Sincerely yours,

Steve Davis

Co-Founder of 100 Coaching Tips