Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Largest Collection of Free Coaching Resources in 1 Place

One of the biggest reasons I hear for coaches not getting enough clients, or even any clients at all, is always the same: "I can't afford it." Let me implore you right now, coaches, strike those words from your vocabulary. I'm not saying go into debt, but I am saying you need to shift your mindset.

During our Season 1 interviews, Melanie Benson Strick talks about this. I like what she said, "Stop saying I can't afford it, and start saying I'm going to find a way to make it happen." I think this was probably one of the most powerful statements made during the entire series of 26 interviews. This is mindset shifting at its best. And, I totally agree with Melanie, find a way to make it happen.

We are beginning the second half of 2013 today. Let's make sure our mindsets are geared up to find a way to make it happen. In fact, we are going to help you make it happen. I have been ending each of my posts urging you to go to www.100coachingtips.com and sign up and download the free coaching tools. Some of you have, but many of you haven't. Maybe some of you already have, or you downloaded them before this blog was created. But, some of you I know, are not downloading them for reasons that you justify through not wanting to accept help. I don't quite understand this. I would have loved it if someone came to me when I was first starting out and offered free coaching tools.

The tools we are offering are a diverse blend of coaching resources that can transform your coaching business from an expensive hobby to a thriving business that gets you the lifestyle you deserve.

Several of our speakers from Season 1 were kind enough to supply coaching resources that will help you get unstuck and moving forward again.

We have:

An audio from Chris Widener "The Best Test"

Audios and pdf handout from Bart Baggett "The 3 Keys to Life Transformation & Manifestation"

A pdf from Rhonda Hess "The 5 Secrets to a Highly Profitable Coaching Niche"

An audio and pdf from Michelle Schubnel "7 Group Coaching Models"

A 6 audio CD program from Eric Lofholm "The Art of Time Management"

A pdf workbook from Carey Peters "Niche Starter Kit"

An audio from Pat Mussieux "7 Steps to Growing Your Own Business"

A pdf copy of Sam Carpenter's book "Work the System"

Once you have these tools and start using them, is there any reason why you cannot grow your coaching business exponentially? Even better, we will soon be adding to these free coaching resources.

If your coaching practice is not where you want it, go to www.100coachingtips.com and sign up in the optin form and you will have access to the coaching tools and resources listed above. As an added bonus, you will also get our free report "Top 3 Mistakes Struggling Coaches Are Making Everyday Which Stalls Their Career & Sends Hot Prospects Running Away"
Also, we will have a huge announcement this week that will go out to everyone on our list. You will want to hear this announcement.

If you have any questions or comments, contact me at info@100coachingtips.com

We have a short week in the US due to the July 4th holiday. Special thanks to our troops.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July!

Respectfully yours,

Steve Davis